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Dog AdviceSpotlight

Halloween Safety Tips for Your Pup

By October 31, 2013March 26th, 2015No Comments

Dog Halloween NYC 2013

Here are the 5 most crucial things you should remember this Halloween (as well as some suggested treats so you buddy won’t feel left out). 

1. Candy – Halloween has to be the day where there is the most sugar in circulation which is great for us human sweet tooth but horrible for your furry pals. Chocolate, specifically, is the closest thing to poison. If you suspect your dog has consumed chocolate, keep an eye  out for vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate and seizures. The artificial sweetener xylitol can also cause your dog to experience a sudden drop in blood sugar and loss of coordination and seizures. Contact your veterinarian or emergency pet hospital immediately if you believe your pet has gotten their paws on some sugary treats.

2. Decorations – Keep an eye out for wires and electric light cords, shards of glass or plastic, candles and small pieces that can be swallowed. Make sure decor is out of reach and can’t be knocked over or eaten.

3. Costumes – Putting your dog in a Halloween costume? Some dogs don’t mind getting dressed up and put on display with their Halloween costumes but for some dogs, it is very uncomfortable and they tend to feel miseranle. Make sure your pet is one of the former by trying their costumes on before Oct. 31, says the ASPCA. If they’re distressed or allergic to the materials, please don’t put them through more misery. If your dog, however, loves looking like a burrito, just make sure the costume doesn’t restrict his movement, hearing or ability to breathe.

4. Running away: Make sure your pet has proper identification (which should be a given on any day). Halloween is a prime night for losing your four-legged friend. Be careful when taking your dog trick-or-treating and be aware of his whereabouts when opening your door to candy-begging children, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.

5. Pumpkins Halloween plants, including pumpkins and corn, can give your pets gastrointestinal problems if ingested in large quantities, says PetMD. Or worse, intestinal blockage can occur if large pieces are swallowed. And make sure pumpkins with candles are kept out of reach.

Pet-friendly Halloween tricks & treats Now that your pets are safe and sound, help them get in on the Halloween fun. Here are some dog-approved treats and toys perfect for Oct. 31. Prev Pause Next 1234567 The Bone Yard Boxed Dog Treats These peanut butter-, cinnamon- and carob-flavored cookies almost sound tasty enough for human consumption. But we’ll save them for the dog.


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