Below are a handful of Christmas and other festive holiday proofing suggestions to protect your tree, your home and your pet:
Switch from Wire Hooks to Plastic
Use clear fishing line to attach the tree to the ceiling and prevent it from being knocked over. Additionally, you can use plastic hooks or ties instead of wire ones to attach ornaments. Place breakable or sentimental ornaments towards the top of the tree.
Secure the Tree & Train Your Pup
Consider putting up a puppy gate to prevent your pet from entering into the room with the Christmas tree, closing off the area by closing the door to the room or putting a play pen gate around the tree. Keep a watchful eye on your dog around the tree when you’re in the same room. Should Fido be tempted by the tree you will be nearby to correct him. Remember, quality over quantity time. If you want to have a photo opp or let your pup experience this new fresh smell, use this as a training opportunity which means pay attention to your put and train them with words like “sniff, tree and come” to get your dog away from the tree as necessary. Boundaries work! Separating your pup or dog from the tree if you are not home are able to supervise him is always advisable. If your dog cannot access the tree, he cannot make bad decisions.
Scented Candles
Who doesnt love the smell of pine and the holidays- egg nog, Christmas trees, cabin smells- yum! Guess who also is curious with new scents? Your pets! Place candles high and out of the way of inquiring noses and wagging tails. Plant Dangers: Most Christmas plants are poisonous to dogs and cats. Keep poinsettia’s, Christmas cactus and mistletoe out of your dog’s reach. Better yet, keep them entirely out of your home.
Holiday Food, Treats and Meals
Food Dangers: Chocolate is poisonous to dogs and poultry bones can splinter causing major intestinal problems. Keep candy and snacks out of your dogs reach and keep an eye on food left out on the table or kitchen counter.
Treats: Just because it is the time of year to “give” do not go overboard and let your dog have a whole package of treats.
People food: Foods that your dog is not used to can upset their stomach and disrupt your festivities. The last thing you want on Christmas is a family member with diarrhea or is throwing up.
Plan ahead, be proactive and use common sense when it comes to the holidays and your puppy. To all my fellow pet owners around the world; have a safe, abundant and blessed holiday!