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Dog AdviceLifeStyleTraining

How To Talk To Your Dog!

What we say to our dogs is important. How we say it is crucial. Different tones of voice are used to distinguish between commands, corrections, and praise. Commands are given in a firm, strong tone of voice. No chanting please.…
June 5, 2013
Dog AdviceLifeStyle

10 No-no Table Scraps

A piece of chicken here, some leftover cupcake there and a lick of ice cream from a cone. Do these sound like things you sometimes feed your pup from the table? WHAT YOU CAN AND CAN'T FEED FIDO OFF THE…
June 1, 2013
Dog AdviceLifeStyle

Help Fido get FLY for the Summer

HELP FIDO GET FLY FOR SUMMER People tend to shed their clothing when the temperatures rise -- hello, bikini season! Unfortunately, pets can't "take off" their fur, but you can help them stay cool with a cute summer cut. Contrary…
May 29, 2013
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