Your dog does a lot to let you know how much it loves you. Be sure to do things for your dog that lets it know that the feeling is mutual. Here are four ways to improve your dog’s quality of life that nearly 89% of dog parents are overlooking.
Help Your Dog Get Exercise Indoors and Outdoors
Dogs’ exercise needs depend on a few factors like their age and breed. But also too, indoor and outdoor play exercise is often overlooked. Especially for parents living in the suburbs or have back yard or yard access of any type. This can include balcony access as well. Whether you’ve got a fairly low-energy couch lover or a constantly amped-up adventure seeker, you need to put some effort into helping your canine companion meet its daily exercise requirements. Being active is crucial for your dog’s health and happiness. It’s especially important for older animals. While they’re definitely going to slow down some as they age, staying active can help them maintain good joint mobility and mitigate discomfort from some of the most common orthopedic issues that affect senior dogs.
Make smelling the roses (and many of the other interesting dog hot sniffing spots) a regular part of your daily routine!! Sniffing equals happiness for dogs! Can’t make it outdoors- provide your dog with fresh air (opening the window, giving them some different treats from time to time) and letting them roam around the apartment hallways or floors. There are literally new scents everywhere!
Leave room in your schedule to help your dog get in a brisk walk or some time to run around. Look at options for affordable inground pools. Putting this type of enhancement in your backyard is going to turn it into a pooch’s paradise, and your dog is going to love getting to swim on a regular basis.
Take Care of Your Dog’s Teeth
Oral health is one of the most commonly overlooked aspects of comprehensive pet care. Unfortunately, many dog owners don’t think that their dogs’ teeth need to be cleaned. In reality, dogs need frequent brushing just like people do. Without it, they’re vulnerable to a myriad of oral health problems including gum disease, acute infections, and even tooth loss. Worst of all, pets can’t tell their owners when something in their mouth is hurting them. They can wind up spending an excessive length of time in chronic discomfort. Left untreated, oral health problems could advance quickly and make your pet very ill.
Stepping up your dog’s oral health regimen is a fantastic way to safeguard its quality of life and be proactive about one of the most widespread issues that veterinarians struggle with. Dental treats are an awesome tool to keep dogs’ teeth free of plaque, and there are also lots of chew toys with dental utility in their design. You’ve also got to make it a point to brush your dog’s teeth on a consistent schedule. Ideally, you should do it every day but definitely no less than three times a week. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste that’s specifically designed for dogs.
If you haven’t been in the habit of brushing your dog’s teeth before, your fur baby may be a little apprehensive about it. Brush carefully, and don’t scold your dog if it tries to thwart your efforts. Finish up each tooth-brushing session with a little treat and your dog will be excited every time it sees the toothbrush.
Pay Quality Attention to Your Dog
If you have to leave your pet when you’re at work, you probably get a really enthusiastic greeting when you come home every day. Your dog misses you when you’re gone, even when you’ve just run out to the store for twenty minutes. It craves your attention and longs to spend all of its time with you. Of course, you can’t pay attention to your pet 24/7. However, you should definitely make some space in your schedule to spend some quality time with your pet every day. We’re talking genuine connection- heart to hearts, words of affirmation, gentle touch, occassional treats and beaming love back and forth. When you walk in the door at night, make sure to put down your phone and give your four-legged family member some love.
Test Your Dog for Food Intolerances
If your dog has intermittent tummy troubles, food intolerance may be to blame. Do an at-home test that will give you a comprehensive list of all of the things that could be harming your dog’s digestion. This information will help you plan the perfect diet that’s full of nutritious and delicious foods that are totally safe for your pet.
Your pet’s quality of life is all up to you. Be thoughtful about what your dog needs to give it a healthy and joyful life.
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