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Are you searching for a new place? Do you want something that you and your furry friend both love? Dog owners often seek a home with a yard big enough for their pets to enjoy. However, not every yard is suitable for your canine family members.  There are some hazards. It’s essential to consider the following five factors before you close on a home.  Landscaping software can be a valuable resource in this process, helping you design a pet-friendly outdoor space that minimizes risks and maximizes enjoyment for your dogs.

1. Is It Fenced?

Dogs like to get out and sit in the sun and explore. Offering them a yard allows them to get in their fresh air and a bit of exercise. If it’s not fenced, though, you may have some problems with other dogs intruding or your own escaping.

Check to see if you currently have a fence and if it’s in good condition. Latches should close automatically when you shut the doors, and the fence line should be firm without any openings. Rod iron, although pretty, could prove problematic with smaller breeds. They could sneak through.

If your place needs a new fence or doesn’t have one, use an online down payment calculator to see if you can afford to add one now or shortly.

2. What Is the Landscaping?

Although many plants act as beautiful scenery, they are poisonous to pets. You cannot watch them the whole time. While you’d like to think your dogs may leave the foliage alone, they may dig into it or consume it.

Before your pup heads back to play, you need to remove anything of concern. Therefore, list the common plants to avoid with dogs and search the perimeter to see what is there. If you’re unfamiliar with the plants, find pictures online.

3. Does the Area See High Animal Traffic?

Depending on your home’s area and conditions, snakes, birds and raccoons could make their way into your yard. Some neighborhoods, particularly building communities, see a lot of snakes. As the land is cleared, the animals lose their habitats, and they must seek alternative locations to live. They move about frequently, sometimes finding a home in the shrubbery or your back or front yards. They pose a threat to your dogs. Check with the locals about their common sightings.

4. Is There Room To Run and Dig?

Evaluate the layout. Dogs, by nature, like to dig in the dirt. Their playful personalities want to hide things or explore. Consider if your yard offers them what they want to do. If you have a digger, could you put a sandbox in the back to keep them from creating frustrating holes all over the place? If you can’t, you may want to fortify the fence line to prevent them from digging out often.

In addition, is there room to run and get out that excess energy? If you have a high-energy breed, consider whether your dog can move about comfortably. A friendly yard may not work well.

5. Do You Have a Spot for Water?

If you plan to let your loved one out for long periods of time, you need a source of safe drinking water. Is there a way to quickly leave water out for your dog? You may have a bowl on an enclosed porch. Is there a doggy door to get to it? Is there a fixture nearby to fill up something before you head inside?

Another easy source of cooling off is water. If your yard doesn’t have a lot of shade, you could use a small water pool for playtime, allowing them to take a dip and get a bit of relief from the outdoor heat.


Your dogs are sure to love your new place. If you’re considering a yard for them, make sure it has several factors that keep them safe and happy.

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