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Dog AdviceSpotlight

Rational Animal- Cause of the Month

By October 18, 2013March 26th, 2015No Comments

Mother's comfort project NYC

New York Dog Nanny would like to Recognize Rational Animal’s Mother’s Comfort for the Animal Charity of the Month for their specific efforts in bringing people and pets together for a common cause: to help homeless animals. By providing various sewing collectives around the different boroughs, volunteers who would love to contribute to the cause of helping animals in a different (and hello, slightly arty way) can lend their nimble fingers to sewing dog beds, toys– the profits which go to helping homeless pets! How loving is this project. They are also in the first few moments of their fundraising efforts to raise $5 k and at New York Dog Nanny would like to encourage those with $10 to love to go ahead and give to this wonderful project! Send them $10 Now. 

Top 5 Reasons Rational Animal Rocks:

1) Distribution Maps of Local Dog Spots and Neuter Spay Clinics

2) PSA- Public Service Announcements about low cost neuter and spay to curb the overcrowding in shelters (PREVENTION BABY!)

3) Unique Pet Events/Causes- Animal Inspired Ginger Bread Homes– creative & delicious!

4) Helping homeless animals!

5) Bringing people together to harness their creativity and do something awesome for animals!

For more info on Rational Animal’s causes and how to obtain their maps, PSAs and other juicy information and projects offer volunteer opportunities for in and around the NJ/NY area please visit:



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