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 As reported by the ASPCA, each year around 6.3 million animals are placed into shelters across the United States. From these, around 1 million are euthanized due to low adoption rates, health issues, and other subsequent reasons. Today, New York Dog Nanny explores various steps you can take to help support us in our cause. 

Adopt a Pet

Instead of buying a pet from a breeder, choose to adopt one from your local shelter. Here’s why:

  • By adopting not only are you giving the pet a better life, but also making space in the shelter for other animals to be rescued.
  • Even if you have your mindset on a specific breed, there’s a high chance you’ll find it in the shelter. 
  • Pets at the shelter are often vaccinated, allowing you to take them home without the stress of them contracting diseases.

 Support Animal Welfare Organizations

Volunteering at a small local animal shelter can help. It could be simple tasks such as filing, cleaning crates, bowls or doing social media.

Animal shelters and other nonprofit organizations rely on community help to cater to the needs of their animals. Here are a few ways you can help: 

  • Devote a few hours each week towards volunteering at your local animal welfare organization. Depending on your skills you can help with administrative tasks, marketing activities, grant applications, event management, cold calling, and more.
  • Make a list of organizations you want to support and buy their memberships or set up recurring donations. 

Start an Animal Nonprofit 

By creating an NPO, you’ll increase the resources your community has towards helping abandoned and neglected pets. Here is how you can go about establishing your organization:

  • Create a Nonprofit: A nonprofit allows you to start an organization that is categorized as tax-exempt by the IRS. You will need to establish your nonprofit in your home state, so make sure you research the regulations associated with where you live.
  • Write a Mission Statement: This should include your organization’s unique purpose, services it’ll provide, and the problems it seeks to solve.
  • Invest in Accounting Software: A nonprofit accounting system allows you to manage your finances, track donations, and create custom reports.
  • Raise Money: Creating a reliable list of donors will be key to having a positive cash flow. Additionally, as reported by Love to Know, seek to apply for grants from any of these organizations.
  • Spread the Word: These days, getting the word out about your nonprofit is as easy as getting on social media. For instance, you can use this free tool to create a Facebook ad to make your post stand out and attract a wider audience.

By undertaking any of these activities, you will help reduce the number of pets in shelters and help them lead a happier and healthier life. You can find more tips and information about dogs at New York Dog Nanny, which curates the best pup-hacks and draws on 10 years of experience! Call 646-206-7601.

Image via Pexels

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