Traveling with a pet is a cool experience and a very exciting pastime. If you take your pet with you, you are not burdening your relatives and friends, you protect your pet from unnecessary stress and make him happier. However, traveling with a pet is also a big responsibility! It is much more difficult to be responsible for a dog on a journey than in ordinary life. If there are several rules that will be useful to pet owners.
Transportation is one of the main details of any trip. In the case of traveling with a dog, transport plays a special role. If your potential road is long, remember that the dog needs regular stops and walks. If the distance allows you not to take a plane ticket, then you should choose traveling by car. The ideal option is a spacious car. If you don’t have a car or you want to find the perfect option, it is recommended to contact the car rental service. It’s not necessary to choose one rented car for the entire trip. You can find a car for rent in literally any tourist country. For personal travel experience tourists can rent Evolve car, which is one of the rental services with perfect travel cars that fill your vacation with vivid impressions.
An airplane is a more stressful, but stable option. It is actually suitable if the flight is not too long. However, your attention must be drawn to the fact that it is important to take your pet to the passengers’ place with you. It is better not to take the pet into the compartment, there is a risk of accidents! And also do not forget to learn about the rules of animal transportation from the selected airline before buying plane tickets.
Local rules
It is extremely important to find out in advance about the rules for importing an animal into the destination country. There are no same international rules for the importation of dogs, each state has its own laws regarding animals. For example, somewhere it is impossible to import fighting dog breeds, somewhere it is impossible to take puppies with you. It is better to call the embassy or consulate to provide you with official information on this issue.
Documents for a Pet
Registration of an international veterinary passport is an important stage of preparation for the trip. Without it, the dog will not be allowed into the country. The passport stores all the necessary information about the pet and its owner. The most important part of the document is information about vaccinations. All vaccinations of your dog must be done no later than a month before the start of the trip, and do not forget to specify the treatment against various parasites.
A foreign passport for animals can be obtained no faster than people’s ones, so do not postpone this matter until the last moment. If you are not certain which vaccines are required, be sure to make sure your pet is up to date on the normally required vaccines for most countries ahead of time.
Chipping is the safety for a pet and confidence for the owner. This is a simple and harmless process, during which a chip containing all the information about the dog is inserted under the skin of the animal. And in case of loss of the dog, the chance of finding it increases significantly. Thanks to a special identification number, which is stored in the international database of animals, the location of the dog will become clear in a moment!
If you do not trust modern innovations, then at least hang on a collar with an address indicating the name, phone number and address of the pet parent, preferably in English or the language of the state to which you are going.
Let the journey bring only joy and unforgettable impressions to you and your pets! Follow the tips, be careful and you will definitely be satisfied!
Make a Travel Ritual
Be sure to let your pet get acclimated to where they are staying. Let them sniff the perimeter of the property if its an air bnb home with a yard or get familiar with the lobby and the floor of the hotel you are staying in. Let them eat the same food for familiarity and bring along their favorite comfort toy.
Infographic Provided By Parts Via, a provider of camping accessories for sale
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