If you are a dog parent, then you have probably wondered what’s the best diet for your fur friend. A lot of attention has been given to the quality of the meat that humans eat, but how about our precious dogs?
With so many dog foods on the market and different food choices being made by pet owners today, choosing one can be a daunting task.
Dogs are omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and plant foods. However, most commercial dog food contains grains, which are not healthy for dogs. Most dog owners know that it’s best to feed their pets a grain-free diet, but many don’t know exactly why this is the case.
Let’s find out more in this article about why we recommend grain free dog food for your fur babies!
What is a Grain Free Diet?
A grain-free diet consists of meat, fish, or poultry without any grains added. It also excludes corn, wheat, and soy. This type of diet is recommended for dogs who have sensitive stomachs and are prone to gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. A grain-free diet can also be used in dogs who suffer from allergies and food sensitivities. The reason for this is because these foods contain gluten which can cause digestive difficulties in dogs with Celiac Disease or other inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). It is also a must for dogs that have a heart condition such as a heart murmor, congestive heart failure and or a breed or partial breed that is prone to these conditions.
The following are some of the major benefits of giving your dog a grain-free diet:
Home Cooked Versus Store Bought Grain Free Diet
Grain free is a craze that is rampant in the pet industry right now. There are tradeoffs to having your dog be on a grain free diet that is from a processed (Canned, kibble, even frozen) versus one that you are preparing for your pet at home. Not all grains are unhealthy for your pet and the pet industry much like the food industry at large are subject to various qualities and a lot of preservatives, pesticides and other GMO factors that over time can affect the end quality of the grain your dog is consuming which can cause long terms negative health consequences in your pets organ(s).
It’s Healthy for Your Dog and Natural
Giving your pooch grain-free dog food is beneficial since it has no fillers or additives. Fillers are things in foods that aren’t food at all, such as corn starch or soy protein isolate. These filters can cause health issues and weight gain in dogs that eat them regularly. If your dog eats a lot of fillers, like chicken by-products or beef tallow, then he will gain weight easily and quickly because these ingredients are high-fat content foods. In addition, grain-free dog food does not contain any artificial flavors or colors like artificial sweeteners and dyes do in other foods. Artificial flavors and colors are not safe for dogs and can cause health problems if eaten often enough over time such as cancerous tumors or digestive problems.
Grain Free Diet Can Reduce Your Dog’s Risk of Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most common health problems in dogs today. It has become an epidemic among young people but it can also affect older adults who are overweight and obese. This disease affects millions of people in America alone and it is also known as “the silent killer” because it does not cause any symptoms until later on in life when it becomes irreversible. Dogs can also develop diabetes when they are given too much sugar from their food or from treats that contain sugar such as chocolate or candy bars.
Grain Free Diets Are High in Protein
One of the main reasons why many people feed their dogs a grain free diet is because dogs need more protein than humans do. This is because dogs have digestive systems that are similar to those of humans and other mammals. Dogs also have an enzyme called amylase in their saliva that helps them digest starch and carbohydrates efficiently. When dogs eat grains, these carbs turn into sugar molecules which can lead to obesity and other health problems.
Grain Free Dog Foods Reduce Food Allergies
The most common reason for a dog to get sick is because of food allergies. Unfortunately, as far as we know, there is no way to prevent this from happening. However, if you feed your dog a grain-free diet, they are less likely to develop food allergies. Many pet owners believe that grains make their pets more prone to allergies by causing inflammation in their bodies or by creating an immune response against certain proteins found in grains (such as wheat or corn).
If your dog is having problems digesting their current diet then it may be time for them to switch to a grain free one instead. This will help them get rid of any issues they may be having with their digestion which could lead to other problems such as flatulence and diarrhea.
Grain Free Diets Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease In Dogs
Heart disease is another common health problem that affects both humans and animals alike, especially those who have been eating too much sugar or carbohydrates on a regular basis. This condition can lead to heart failure, stroke, and other serious complications if left untreated.
Giving Your Dog A Grain Free Diet Can Save Money On Vet Bills Over Time!
One of the biggest reasons to switch your dog’s diet is because it can save you money on vet bills. A recent study published in the journal PLoS One showed that feeding dogs a high-grain diet can lead to higher blood glucose levels, which could increase the risk of complications such as diabetes and obesity. This is especially important if you have a large breed or giant breed dog or one with special needs, like deafness or blindness.
When they’re fed a high-grain diet, they can end up with higher blood glucose levels and become more likely to develop diabetes later on in life than those who are fed a low-grain diet. Diabetic dogs are also more prone to obesity, which can lead to further health problems down the road.
Grain Free Diets Can Improve Digestion In Dogs
A grain-free diet can improve digestion in dogs. The higher fiber content of the diet makes it easier for your dog’s digestive system to process food, which helps him feel satisfied after eating.
Grain Free Diets Can Help Reduce Weight Gain In Dogs
High-quality grain free dog food can help you to avoid the problems of excess weight gain and obesity in dogs. A well-balanced grain-free diet provides all the nutrients your dog needs while eliminating any grains that may cause your pet to gain weight. The best way to prevent excess weight gain is by feeding a raw meat diet. This will help your dog to stay lean and trim, as well as help him to maintain a healthy digestive system.
The problem with feeding dogs an unhealthy diet is that they may develop some health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, or even heart disease later on in life. Feeding them high-quality commercial dog food can also cause other problems such as allergies and skin problems. If you have noticed that your dog has started putting on weight recently then it is time for him to start eating a new type of food that will help him lose weight and keep him healthy for years to come!
Final Thoughts
There are many reasons why you might be considering a grain-free diet for your dog, including: allergies and sensitivities to grains, problems with digesting grains, or simply because it’s been recommended by your veterinarian.
If any of these situations apply to you and your dog, you may want to consider making the switch. But let’s take a closer look at what happens if you never even give the grain a chance. Your dog is likely missing out on a wide variety of nutrients and health benefits that could be improved with grain free dog food.
photo cred: https://unsplash.com/photos/RCDcigzmtII
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