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Undertaking home maintenance and remodeling projects can be exciting and challenging, and when you share your living space with a furry companion, additional considerations come into play. Dogs, being sensitive to changes in their environment, may find the disruption of construction and renovations stressful. Strategic planning is essential to ensure a smooth and safe process for you and your pet. 

From creating secure spaces to using pet-friendly materials, here are some tips to help you navigate home improvements while keeping your dog’s well-being in mind.

  • Create a Safe Space:

During active construction or remodeling, designate a safe and quiet area for your dog away from the construction zone. This will help reduce stress and keep your dog away from potential hazards.

  • Inform Contractors:

Let your contractors know that you have a dog. This ensures they are aware and can take precautions to secure tools materials, and keep doors and gates closed.

Choose Pet-Friendly Paints and other materials:

When hiring interior painters, inquire about the types of paints they use and how long it will take to finish the work. Great Calgary painters will be the perfect match for this job because they’ll finish it briefly and efficiently, so you don’t have to struggle with DIY for those remodeling tasks. Another important suggestion when choosing pet-friendly materials is durable and scratch-resistant flooring, which may suit homes with pets.

  • Secure Hazardous Materials:

Store paints, chemicals, and other potentially toxic materials securely, out of your dog’s reach. Be cautious with open containers and ensure your dog cannot accidentally ingest anything harmful.

  • Provide Regular Breaks:

If construction noise becomes excessive, take breaks to allow your dog some quiet time outside or in a designated safe area.

  • Keep Tools and Debris Secure:

Construction tools and debris can pose hazards to both humans and pets. Ensure that tools are safely stored and debris is cleared regularly to prevent accidents.

  • Protect Floors and Furniture:

Cover furniture and floors with protective materials to prevent scratches, stains, or damage during the remodel. This is especially important if your dog tends to explore or mark territory.

  • Check for Escape Routes:

During construction, double-check fences and gates to ensure their security. The noise and activity may make your dog anxious, and you want to prevent accidental escapes.

  • Maintain Routine:

Try to stick to your dog’s routine as much as possible. This includes feeding times, walks, and playtime. Consistency helps alleviate stress during the remodel.

  • Secure Cords and Wires:

Dogs may be curious about exposed cords and wires. Keep them secure or hidden to prevent your dog from chewing on them, which can be dangerous.

  • Consider Dog-Friendly Spaces:

Incorporate elements that enhance your dog’s comfort into your remodel, such as a dedicated pet area, built-in feeding stations, or a cozy nook.

  • Consult Your Veterinarian:

Consult your veterinarian if your dog seems stressed or anxious during the remodel. They may provide advice or recommend calming solutions for your pet.

Remember to prioritize your dog’s safety and well-being throughout the home maintenance and remodeling. With proper planning and consideration, you can create a comfortable environment for you and your furry companion during these projects.

photo cred:

Infographic provided by Reeds Ferry Sheds, a provider of two story sheds

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