After you’ve been in the city for a while you know that passing by NYC pets on the street can add an element of warm and cuddliness to your route from A to B. Dogs can warm your heart in a way that no mocha choco latte can. In this concrete jungle New Yorkers love with every inch of their being, having the right pet can up the anty on your quality of life. Bandit (below) absolutely loves his job as the official heart warmer of this owners and his friends here at NY Dog Nanny and the Murray Hill neighborhood.
If you are thinking about getting a pet consider the following questions. Do not feel the need to write down your responses, just be open to pondering these considerations: What are the reasons I am considering a pet? How many extra hours do I have per day to be a responsible pet owner? Is this sufficient for the quality of life I would like to provide for my pet? Is the pet I would like to share my life with appropriate for the size of my apartment? Would I need a pet nanny? A dog nanny? A dog walker? A fish bowl? Is a canine the best choice? If not, is there another pet that I would also benefit from sharing a life with?
Quality of life in NYC can be greatly improved by caring for a pet. Are there alternatives to pet ownership? Just ask…