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5 Ways to Enhance an Aging Dog’s Quality of Life

Having a dog means so much more than having one more responsibility – he becomes a big part of your family. But the days, months, and years are passing by, and, from one cute, clumsy puppy, we have an aging, loving, and very loyal dog.

Dogs are, in many ways, similar to us. And one of the main similarities is that they need special care when they’re both young and old. Taking care of a puppy – with all the training and health care – is easier, and it requires a rather short period.

But when it comes to an aging dog, it can last for years. But that way you’re taking care of your loyal friend can make a real difference. The better you’ll take care of his health and needs, the more you’ll enhance his quality of life.

Therefore, in today’s post, we’re presenting our top 5 ways to enhance an aging dog’s quality of life.

1. Healthy Diet

A dog’s nutrition is the most critical aspect of his health condition. He takes all the nutrients and vitamins he needs from his food. That’s why you should provide the best food you can afford.

An old dog becomes more sensitive, more prone to some illnesses, and his immune system is weaker, so the food becomes more expensive. Of course, you shouldn’t buy just any food you believe it’s proper.

You must take your dog to the vet, check him up, and then follow your vet’s advice regarding your dog’s nutrition.

2. Stay Active

The same way exercising helps our elders keep their health in check; it will help your furry friend too. I know that the older your dog gets, the less energy he has, and the slower he moves.

Of course, you don’t have to exhaust him out and to act like he’s in his full strengths. You have to maximize his time out. Take longer walks, play together, and make him run a bit.

The most important is not to let your dog become inactive at all costs. A dog has more energy than us at all ages, so even if your dog is old, he still enjoys to play and to run free in the woods – it’s in his nature.

3. Regular Vet Care

While in a dog’s adulthood, we aren’t very serious with the vet checks as the risks are pretty low, in his senior years, we must be cautious. Now I don’t mean to worry out of everything.

You should check him up to make sure that there is no illness to worry about at least yearly. The best would be to keep your vet’s phone number close, and every time you notice something unusual, make sure to use it.

At an age, it can appear in all sorts of skin problems, it is easier to get hurt, and they become more sensitive to certain things. That’s why regular vet care is essential for an aging dog.

4. Teeth and Gums Care

Of course, teeth and gums care should be done regularly regardless of your dog’s age. But its health care is crucial at old ages. You see, many dogs that had poor oral hygiene suffer from terrible teeth pain when they are old. reviews on dog dental hygiene claim that its popper care can define your dog’s happiness in his last years of life.

Besides the unpleasant effects of a terrible bad breath and rotten smile, your dog’s life will no longer be happy as the eating will become an impossible and painful mission. Dental issues can be severe, and they will severely decrease your dog’s life quality.

5. Old Dog-Friendly House

The older your friend becomes, the less flexible and weaker he becomes. Therefore, what once was a piece of cake for your dog, like climbing the stairs, now will be quite tricky. You have to ensure that your household is a safe space for your old dog.

As well, if he once was able to open the doors by himself, now you should let the doors open because his bones are no longer young and strong. Where it’s possible, place a ramp so the stairs will no longer be a problem.

If your dog happens to be a small furry ball, make sure you’re providing him an easy way to “jump” in bed.


Our dogs deserve the best out of the best for bringing so much joy and love in our life. Therefore, make sure you’re providing the best “retirement” conditions for your furry friend by following the tips mentioned above.

And don’t forget to spend as much time as you possibly can with your beloved furry friends. You’ll never know when their time has come, and the last days of your journey together should be one of the most beautiful ones.

This blog was contributed by Susan Saurel. If you would like to submit a blog please email

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