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Dog Advice

Frequently Asked Questions About Puppies by New Pet Parents

By July 30, 2020August 4th, 2020No Comments



One of the most amazing feelings in the world is to become a pet parent. And once you’ve adopted a cute little furry munchkin, you sure would have plenty of questions up your sleeve. Well, we’ve decided to collect all the frequently asked questions by new parents about puppies into one place, so that it becomes easy for you to read and learn. So without any more delays, let us dive straight into those questions and answer them one by one.

FAQs About Newly Adopted Puppies by New Pet Parents

Below are the commonly asked questions by new pet parents about puppies. Take a read because we’re sure you’re going to learn about puppyhood and dogs in general.

#1. What Do Puppies Normally Eat?

Puppies require nutritious food that contain all the necessary nutrients for their growth and development. Seek the advice of your local veterinarian on what type of food should suit your puppy. And remember, as your puppy grows older, their food should change too as well as the quantity. So make sure to be in constant contact with your vet regarding your pal’s food habits and diet.

#2. How Frequently Do I Feed My Puppy?

Puppies generally eat food in smaller quantities especially when they are very young. Ideally, puppies are fed at least four to five times a day. As they grow older, their food quantity should increase and meals per day should decrease.

#3. How Many Hours Do Puppies Generally Sleep For?

Puppies can lose their entire stream very quickly but they are very young. Hence, sleeping plays a very essential part in strengthening their immune system, central nervous system, brain, and of course, muscles. Normally, a puppy would require a minimum of 15 to 20 hours of daily sleep.

#4. When Is It Appropriate to Take My Puppy for A Walk Outside?

Taking your puppy out for a walk would be something every new pet parent would love to do, but it is essential to wait for a while. Before you take your four-legged friend on a nice and lovely walk to a nearby park, it is important to first get him vaccinated. You never know when your buddy might come in contact with an infectious disease while you stroll in the park. So first, get your pet vaccinated before having any thoughts of going out for a walk. 

#5. Is There Any Apt Time to Begin Puppy Training?

Truth is, there is no apt time for puppy training. The faster you begin you pup’s training, the better it is for your buddy. If you are well accustomed with puppy training, then go ahead, teach your pup. If not, we suggest you seek the help of a professional dog trainer.

#6. How Many Vaccinations Does My Pup Require?

Four core vaccinations is what your puppy needs – rabies virus, canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus-2 (hepatitis), and parvovirus. While the rabies virus is a one-time thing, the other three, which are known as boosters, should be normally given to your furry buddy once in every three to four weeks. Make sure to get in touch with your vet regarding this. 

#7. How Can I Control My Puppy’s Chewing Habit?

Chewing is a very common thing found in puppies. It helps them strengthen their teeth but not at the cost of your favorite pair of slippers or shoes. To break the habit of your buddy chewing your stuff, make sure to first pet-proof your home. And second, get him a pet toy designed in the shape of perhaps a bone. It will not only help you prevent him from biting your stuff but also help your pup strengthen its set of teeth.

#8. When Should I Begin Grooming My Puppy?

Grooming your puppy when he is young is most preferred because while the time your pup reaches a certain age, he will be accustomed to all the shampoos, sprays, nail cutters, and other stuff that you use while you groom him. It might be difficult in the beginning but the process smoothes out with every grooming session. As soon as your little fur old enough, pet parents should start using veterinarian-recommended flea & tick prevention to protect them from various dangerous parasites. Ensure to be patient and always be calm in such situations.

New pet parents, we hope you gained quite a few things from this blog. Now it’s time to put theory into practice. Good luck, and as always, stay safe and keep your furry buddy safe too. 

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