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Anxiety in pets arises from different issues such as trauma, diet, ill health, or life event. Secondly, if you do not address anxiety, it can lead to harmful behavior. Thus, if your cat is anxious, be sure he will develop some unusual behavior.

Perhaps you have noticed your pet scratching excessively. This is just one of the telltale signs of anxiety. Other symptoms include prolonged meowing, aggression, and change in eating habits.

Some of the common triggers in pets include separation, loud noises, and changes in the environment.

Here is the good news. There are quite some ways to keep your cat away from anxiety. So let’s take a closer look at each.

  1. Spend Quality time with your pet

Don’t you love it when your cat is all cheerful? Yeah, I thought so. However, anxiety can make your pet withdrawn or aggressive towards people.  Spending some time and stroking your cat can help him to relax.

Another thing, reward him with treats, especially during stressful conditions. It will significantly help to prevent or alleviate stressful feelings. Also, do not forget cuddling. It can be a great stress reliever. Also, you should give the cat enough exercise. Exercises and games stimulate the pet’s mind and prevent anxiety.

  1. Review the environment

Pets require calm and peace when stressed. To prevent anxiety, put your pet in a quiet and cozy location, and ensure all noise is at a minimum.

Here is the point. Sudden environment changes can be quite stressful. To reduce the risk of anxiety in your pets, minimize changes in your cats’ environment, and keep routine constant.

Cats love hiding. So, provide it with proper housing, so he hides when it feels like. Denying your pet the ability to mark its territory as it desires can cause anxiety and stress. The kennel should have a stable scratching post tall enough to allow your cat to stretch out fully. Remember, scratching is a way of relieving stress.

Ensure your pets have easy access to water and food and take note dehydration causes undue stress to them. Remember, some pets do not like sharing litter trays. A pet that has to guard its dishes against others will become stressed. Make sure the tray is clean and enough to accommodate all your pets. Moreover, changing diet abruptly can alleviate stress in your pet.

  1. Use Calming Products

A mother dog releases pheromones to encourage puppies to lie down quietly. You can find synthetic pheromone to help your pet relax. But that’s not all. If you want a solution that will treat behavioral anxiety in cats, you will want to try CBD oil for cats, it works magic. The best part is it has no harmful side effects.

CBD moves through the endocannabinoid system and nervous system to body parts that require relief. It releases Serotonin after entering the brain, where it calms the body and reduces anxiety in dogs.

Medical treatment is, in extreme anxiety cases. For, instance you can give your dog anti-anxiety

  1. Consult a Pet trainer

Another way is training your cat not to react in the first place. This approach involves desensitization. Here, you introduce your pet to noises and stressful conditions and give it rewards. But there is a small catch. Training a pet can be a tedious task; your best bet is to hire a trainer.

  1. Play Music

We all know some songs have a soothing feeling that can prevent stress. Play this music before a known trigger or stressful event. It also works in pets. You should give it a go.

  1. Get Rid of Static

You may have noticed that your pet grows anxious before a storm. This because your cat is triggered by static electricity builds up in the air. You can remedy this problem by wiping your cat using a dryer sheet.

Final Words

There are numerous ways to keep your pets away from stress. All means require you to pay close attention to your pet. If the above methods do not relieve anxiety, you should speak to a vet about medications. You must treat anxiety in dogs before it gets too dangerous levels. Injuries and underlying medical conditions can also cause anxiety. Therefore, you should always visit your veterinary for a checkup.

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