It's approximately 1 month into the doggie academic school year and you may be wondering what it is that dogs do ALL Day long while at doggie daycare. We are very proud to announce our very new curriculum which serves…
New York Dog Nanny is now welcoming ALL puppies to daycare! We are offering NEW clients our, Daycare Puppy Package. Click the picture below for rates or give us a call (917) 261-7333 for more details.
Sundays tend to be our most relaxed day here at our kennel without cages which is probably one of the reasons why the dogs also get to relax, chill and basically sleep in. One of the nice things about Sundays…
Does your dog require the tender loving special care of a caring dog professional in the big apple? Perhaps you should compare your story to Truffle (see above) who is a with nine lives. Yes, Truffle has been through his…
Max our resident canine is non-only our doggie davcare's official greeter, but also our nightly superintendent. He makes sure all the dogs keep in line and mind their ps and qs. He's decided to bask in the sun of…
Does your dog love to run in Central Park? Is your dog a summer baby? Or a winter hound? There is something for every play style and temperment with our amazing dog services-- and that's just for the dogs. For…