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A lot of people are allergic to dogs but some of them don’t even have an idea about it. This may be because they have very less encounters with dogs or maybe, they never notice such things whenever they meet a dog. If a person starts sneezing or his nose starts running after he meets or plays with a dog, he or she might be allergic to dogs.

Just like human beings can have allergic reactions to humans, dogs can also have some allergic reactions. They might face different issues with their alveoli or nasal cavities. But the only thing that differs is the severity. In dogs, it is not as easy to deal with the allergies as it might seem. 

Allergies in dogs

Pets can suffer from different allergic reactions which may include food allergies, skin allergies and so many more. All of the allergies may be very challenging for dogs as well as their owners to handle. This maybe because of the overlapping symptoms of these allergies. 

Here are some of the different types of allergies that your dogs can get; 

Skin Allergies

Allergic dermatitis or skin allergies are considered to be the most common of all the allergies in dogs. The three most important causes of the skin allergies in dogs can be food allergies, flea allergy and environmental allergens.

If a dog eats any food that causes him allergy, its skin will start itching. They will itch their ears and paws especially if the allergy is caused by any food allergen.

In the case of flea allergy dermatitis, the dogs will get the allergic reaction due to the flea saliva. The dog will not only start to itch too much but also its skin will become inflamed itchy and even scabbed as well. For the confirmation, you can see the flea dirt or the fleas by themselves around the dog.

Dust pollen or even moulds can act as environmental allergens for the dogs. They cause atopic dermatitis. These sorts of allergies can be seasonal as well. In this case, you will only see the itching and allergic reactions during some times of the year.  With the food allergies, the paws and ears get affected the most but may include certain other body parts as well.

No matter what type of skin allergy is being faced by the dog, it may cause a secondary infection as well. It is better to treat such allergies on time. 

Food Allergies

Food allergies to dogs may be due to the immune response generated by the dog’s body. Different skin conditions like swelling of face, itching or hives may be caused due to the skin conditions. Anaphylaxis can also occur in rare cases which is just like that of the allergic reaction to peanuts in humans.

Some dogs can be food sensitive and there is nothing weird in that, just like us humans, dogs have food intolerance as well. So, if your dog has that you should not worry at all. This is as normal as any allergy in humans or other pets. All you can do about it is to keep your dog away from such foods which may become the reason behind the severe allergic reactions.

If your dog is sensitive to any particular food, you will see different allergic reactions right away including that of vomiting and diarrhoea as well. A lot of other reactions may also proceed due to the allergens like that of itchiness in the body, poor skin and other ear and food infections.

The best way for food allergy diagnosis?

If you want to diagnose any type of food allergy in your dog on time, you can take the help of your veterinarian so that he may discover all the ingredients that are causing the allergic reactions to your dog.

Severe Allergic Reactions in dogs

Sometimes the dogs may get severe allergic reactions as well which may prove to be fatal sometimes as well if not treated on time. That’s why you must make sure to take your dog to the doctor on time. Although the anaphylactic reactions are in dogs still you must do your job on time.

Dog allergies can be as severe as anything. The symptoms may also overlap. So, it would be better for you to check on your doctor rather than treating him on your own. If you see your dog itching on his body, rather than assuming anything on your own, it would be better to get him checked. Your assumptions may be wrong as well. Your dog deserves the best treatment of all times. So, make sure you provide him with that.

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