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Warning Signs for Your Parakeet’s Health Issues

By February 6, 2021No Comments

Parakeets make great pets. These birds can also imitate human speech and often become a great source of entertainment. However, like every other animal, parakeets age too, and over time, could develop health issues brought on by their advanced years.

If you had questions like how old is my parakeet, the answer is going to be only a few years as they can only live up to eight or ten years. Even a young parakeet could fall sick if they contract an infection or fall sick due to some other reason. Here are some of the warning signs you should look out for if you suspect your bird is not well.


Parakeets will often make sounds, call out, speak to their humans or flap their wings from time to time. However, if you find them sleeping most of the time, instead, it could mean they are sick. If they always respond to your call, but you find them retreating into a corner or not coming to you, and are dozing instead, it could be a sign they are tired and sick. Parakeets do not sleep during the day, so if you see them doing that, you should take your bird to a vet.

Feeling Cold

If you see your parakeet fluffing up its feathers, it could mean they are cold. While the temperatures are really low at certain times, if you still see them doing the same at other times, it will mean they are cold.

On the other hand, if you see their feet are warmer than usual when they come to perch on your fingers, even that can indicate that they are sick. You will also see your parakeet shivering if it is too cold and it could give rise to more health issues.

Excessive Squawking

Parakeets do call out frequently, but if you hear them squawking excessively, it could be because they are trying to draw your attention. They are in pain and distress, and you should immediately see what it is about. If you cannot see any signs of danger around or nothing out of the ordinary in their enclosure, then they are probably sick and letting you know about it.

Loss of Appetite

When anyone is sick, one of the first things that happen is losing appetite, whether birds or animals. Parakeets are no different. Yes, it could be they are bored with their food so you could try and give them some treats for a change.

However, if their regular eating patterns have not resumed within a day or two, you should consult your vet. Lack of nutrition will only make them sicker, and you should try to get them to eat to regain strength after identifying the issue.

Change in Droppings

If you notice your parakeet’s droppings, you will know that healthy droppings look like burnt popcorn. There isn’t a lot of moisture in their droppings. However, if you see them passing thinner stool, then it is a sign that they are sick. You could also notice a colour change. However, at this point, make sure that you haven’t given them anything that had food color in it.

When you see such changes, try to keep away food, leading to diarrhoea and regulating their food quantity. Green droppings usually indicate malnourishment, and you should add some supplements to their diet after speaking to the vet.

Discharge from Nostrils or Beak

If you find any nose or beak discharge from your bird, then you should take the bird to the vet. A healthy bird will never have this issue. The discharge will block their nostrils. Sometimes, the discharge could happen from their eyes too. Mucus discharge could mean some infection.

Sticky Feathers

If a vet does not intervene on time in this matter, then your bird could become very sick in a brief period and eventually die. If you find the feathers sticking together on their head or face, then it means some severe infection. You might see blood, or you could also see the feathers falling out.

Rapid Breathing

This could be a sign of overheating, stress or some other illness. There is some issue with the bird’s lungs if you hear a rasping noise or a clicking noise with open beaks. Try to calm down the bird but if this continues, then take him to a vet.

By looking out for these signs as a warning, you will be able to monitor your pet’s health closely, know exactly how old is my parakeet, and ensure timely intervention to help your bird complete its full life cycle in the healthiest way possible.

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