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Cockapoos are adorable crossbreeds of cocker spaniels and poodles. They are friendly, intelligent, and playful dogs that make great companions for families. However, like any other dog, they have specific nutritional needs that must be met to keep them healthy and happy.

In this article, we will provide you with a cockapoo food calculator that can help you estimate how much food to feed your cockapoo based on their age, weight, activity level, and type of food. 

We will also give you some tips on how often to feed your cockapoo, what type of food to feed your cockapoo, and how to adjust your cockapoo’s feeding plan according to their changing needs.

How to Use a Cockapoo Food Calculator

The cockapoo food calculator below is based on the formulas and guidelines developed by veterinarians from The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center and by veterinarians from the Mark Morris Institute. It also uses the calorie content per cup of over 800 popular dog foods (data from the Frankin Animal Clinic). The calculator estimates how much food to feed your cockapoo based on factors like activity level. 

For accurate results, be sure to use the best dog food for cockapoo as recommended by your veterinarian To use the calculator, you will need to enter the following information:

  • Your cockapoo’s ideal weight: This is what you think your cockapoo should weigh based on their breed standard and body condition. You can use a scale or a measuring tape to measure your cockapoo’s weight and girth.
  • Your cockapoo’s activity level: This is how active your cockapoo is on a daily basis. You can choose from four options: inactive/obese prone, normal, active/athletic, or working dog.
  • Your cockapoo’s spay/neuter status: This is whether your cockapoo has been spayed or neutered or not. Spaying or neutering can affect your cockapoo’s metabolism and energy needs.
  • Your dog food’s calories per serving: This is how many calories are in one cup or one kilogram of the dog food you are feeding your cockapoo. You can find this information on the dog food package or on the manufacturer’s website.

How Much Food to Feed Your Cockapoo

The amount of food that your cockapoo needs depends on several factors, such as their age, weight, activity level, spay/neuter status, and type of food. As a general rule of thumb, you should feed your cockapoo about 2% to 3% of their body weight per day. For example, if your cockapoo weighs 10 kg, you should feed them about 200 to 300 grams of food per day.

Howevcer, this is only a rough guideline and may not suit every individual cockapoo. Some cockapoos may need more or less food depending on their metabolism, health condition, and lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to monitor your cockapoo’s body condition and adjust their feeding amount accordingly.

“Cockapoos can easily become overweight, avoid feeding them table scraps and excessive treats. Food-based rewards during training sessions are fine, but treats should make up a small portion of their daily calories” states Kaitlyn Arford, from PetMD.

You can use the body condition score (BCS) system to assess your cockapoo’s body condition. The BCS system uses a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 is very thin and 9 is very obese. A healthy cockapoo should have a BCS of 4 or 5, which means they have a visible waist when viewed from above and a slight tuck when viewed from the side. You should be able to feel their ribs without excess fat covering them.

If your cockapoo has a BCS lower than 4, they are underweight and may need more food or a higher-calorie diet. If your cockapoo has a BCS higher than 5, they are overweight and may need less food or a lower-calorie diet. You should aim to keep your cockapoo within the ideal weight range for their breed and size. 

How Often to Feed your Cockapoo?

The frequency of feeding your cockapoo also depends on their age, size, and activity level. In general, you should feed your cockapoo at least twice a day. Feeding your cockapoo twice a day can help prevent them from getting hungry and overeating, as well as reduce the risk of bloat, a potentially fatal condition where the stomach twists and fills with gas.

However, some cockapoos may benefit from more frequent or less frequent feeding depending on their individual needs. For example, puppies may need to be fed three to four times a day until they are six months old, as they have higher energy and growth requirements. Senior dogs may need to be fed once a day or have their food divided into smaller portions throughout the day, as they have lower energy and metabolism.

You should also consider your cockapoo’s daily routine and feeding habits when deciding how often to feed them. For example, if your cockapoo is very active or works as a service dog, you may want to feed them before and after their exercise or work. If your cockapoo is prone to vomiting or diarrhea, you may want to feed them smaller and more frequent meals to avoid upsetting their stomach. If your cockapoo is a picky eater or has a sensitive stomach, you may want to feed them at the same time and place every day and avoid changing their food abruptly.

What type of food to feed your Cockapoo?

The type of food that you feed your cockapoo is another important factor that affects their health and well-being. There are many types of dog food available on the market, such as dry kibble, wet canned food, raw food, home-cooked food, and freeze-dried food. Each type of food has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose the one that suits your cockapoo’s needs and preferences best.

When comparing dog food brands, be sure to look at the guaranteed analysis on the label. This shows the calorie content per cup or pound, so you know how many cups in a pound of dog food.

Some of the factors that you should consider when choosing the type of food for your cockapoo are:

  • The quality and ingredients of the food: You should look for a high-quality dog food that contains natural, wholesome, and balanced ingredients that meet your cockapoo’s nutritional requirements. 

You should avoid foods that contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, fillers, by-products, or allergens that may harm your cockapoo’s health. 

You should also check the label for the guaranteed analysis of the food, which shows the percentage of protein, fat, fiber, moisture, and other nutrients in the food.


  • The calorie content and portion size of the food: You should choose a dog food that matches your cockapoo’s calorie needs and feed them the appropriate portion size according to their weight and activity level. 


You can use the cockapoo food calculator above to estimate how much food to feed your cockapoo per day based on the calorie content of the food. 


You should also use a measuring cup or a scale to measure the exact amount of food for your cockapoo and avoid overfeeding or underfeeding them.


  • The taste and texture of the food: You should choose a dog food that appeals to your cockapoo’s taste buds and chewing ability. Some cockapoos may prefer dry kibble for its crunchiness and dental benefits, while others may prefer wet canned food for its moisture and palatability.


Some cockapoos may enjoy raw or home-cooked food for its freshness and variety, while others may like freeze-dried food for its convenience and shelf life. You should experiment with different types of food and see what your cockapoo likes best.


  • The cost and availability of the food: You should choose a dog food that fits your budget and is easily accessible in your area. You should compare the prices and quality of different brands and types of dog food and find the best value for your money. 


You should also consider the shelf life and storage requirements of the food and make sure you have enough supply for your cockapoo.

How to adjust your Cockapoo’s feeding plan

Your cockapoo’s feeding plan is not set in stone and may need to be adjusted from time to time according to their changing needs. Some of the situations that may require you to adjust your cockapoo’s feeding plan are:


  • Growth: Puppies have higher nutritional needs than adult dogs and need more food to support their growth and development. As they grow older, their energy needs decrease and they need less food to maintain their weight. 


You should follow the feeding guidelines for puppies on the dog food package or consult your veterinarian for advice on how much and how often to feed your puppy. 


You should also switch from puppy-formulated food to adult-formulated food when your cockapoo reaches about 80% of their adult weight.


  • Spaying/neutering: Spaying or neutering can affect your cockapoo’s hormone levels and metabolism, which can lead to weight gain or loss. Spayed or neutered dogs tend to have lower energy needs than intact dogs and need less food to prevent obesity. 


You should reduce your cockapoo’s daily calorie intake by about 25% after spaying or neutering or switch to a low-calorie or weight-management dog food.


  • Aging: As your cockapoo gets older, their energy and nutritional needs change as well. Senior dogs tend to have lower energy needs than younger dogs and need less food to avoid obesity. They may also have health issues such as arthritis, dental problems, kidney disease, or diabetes that require special diets or supplements. 


You should consult your veterinarian for advice on how to adjust your cockapoo’s feeding plan according to their age and health condition. You should also switch to a senior-formulated food that contains more protein, fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids to support your cockapoo’s immune system, digestion, joints, and skin.


  • Pregnancy/lactation: If your female cockapoo is pregnant or nursing, she will have higher energy and nutritional needs than normal. She will need more food to support her own body and the growth of her puppies. You should increase her daily calorie intake by about 25% during the last trimester of pregnancy and by about 50% during lactation. You should also switch to a puppy-formulated food that contains more protein, fat, calcium, and phosphorus to support the development of the puppies. 


You should feed your pregnant or lactating cockapoo several small meals throughout the day and make sure she has access to fresh water at all times.


  • Illness/injury: If your cockapoo is sick or injured, their appetite and digestion may be affected. They may need more or less food depending on their condition and medication. Some illnesses or injuries may require special diets or supplements to help your cockapoo recover or manage their symptoms. 


For example, if your cockapoo has pancreatitis, they may need a low-fat diet to reduce inflammation in their pancreas. If your cockapoo has diabetes, they may need a high-fiber diet to regulate their blood sugar levels. 


You should consult your veterinarian for advice on how to adjust your cockapoo’s feeding plan according to their illness or injury.

Well, That’s a Wrap

Feeding your cockapoo properly is one of the most important aspects of caring for them. By using the cockapoo food calculator above and following the tips in this article, you can ensure that your cockapoo gets the right amount and type of food for their age, weight, activity level, spay/neuter status, and health condition. 

You should also monitor your cockapoo’s body condition and adjust their feeding plan accordingly. You should always consult your veterinarian before changing your cockapoo’s diet or feeding routine.

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