Dog Walking If you get a new puppy or just a rescue dog with behavior difficulties, learning the basics and beyond of the benefits of dog walking can be the miracle that saves your day to day life with your…
Is every day like ground hogs day for your Manhattan pooch? Well, that sucks. Why not give your dog's routine a new do! Here are some of the ways we like to encourage NYC dog parents on how to add…
Long lost brothers Winky Wong and Kirby met serependipitously a few months back on a happenstance stroll through midtown Manhattan's most famous dog acclaimed, dog service friendly areas: the border of Kips Bay meets Murray Hill. Winky a long time…
Your dog is like McMoosh if he/she likes to "play dumb" with the backup dog walker. He pulled me north, when his home was south well aware that he's been living in the same apartment building for two plus year.…
Did you know that people are not the only species that benefit from Vitamin D and possibly the winter blues? Animals not getting enough outside time and time in the sun can also suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency. How…
When you set out for a dog walk, it’s helpful to know just what to take along, and how to handle yourself and your dog. You may run into other dog walkers or pet parents along your route, and you…
Before you leave your dog in the care of a dog walker, there are several important things your dog walker needs to know to keep your dog safe and healthy. Don’t forget to give this information directly to your dog…
Below are a list of questions you might want to ask a dog walker before hiring him or her. It’s important to know the background of your dog’s walker before you make a commitment. A dog walker will have access…
At New York Dog Nanny we require that all of our dogs are walked using a harness or front-lead harness? It's not uncommon for a dog to slip out of its leash in a flash of fear, excitement or even…