Are you asking “Does pet insurance cover shots?” Read this article to learn more about pet insurance and what it covers.
67% of U.S. homes (about 85 million families) own one or more pets. Yet of all these pets, only 2.43 million of them have pet insurance.
In this post we will explain how to understand pet insurance, tell you what you need to know and answer key questions such as ‘does pet insurance cover shots?’.
Read on!
What Is Pet Insurance?
Pet insurance coverage can be a little tricky to understand. Pet insurance is not like health insurance for humans so it is important to make sure you understand how it works.
Basically, pet insurance is designed to cover unexpected accidents or illnesses that happen to your pet.
Yet, most pet insurance companies do not cover pre-existing conditions. Yet you can find pet insurance that covers pre existing conditions which is great if your pet already has a medical history.
Each plan will outline what they will and will not cover. Be sure to carefully review these documents to fully understand what your plan includes. Most don’t cover dental or annual checkups.
How Pet Insurance Works
Pet insurance is a way to give yourself peace of mind over your pet’s wellness. Each month, you will pay an insurance provider a premium. Then, if your pet is sick or injured, the provider will reimburse you either in part or in full.
A deductible is the money (usually a percentage) of your pet’s vet bills that you have to cover. This can range from $0 or up to $1000.
Sometimes there is also a deductible payable each year in some cases. Other companies charge the deductible only if you make a claim.
To get reimbursed by your pet insurer, you must pay your vet bill first. You then submit that claim to your insurance. They review your claim and if approved will reimburse you.
Each plan has a set reimbursement level. This is the percentage of the bill that will be reimbursed by the insurer. It might be 50% or up to 100%.
Insurers may send you a check in the mail or might even direct deposit the reimbursement funds into your bank account. This process can take a few days or up to a week or more if the claim is complex.
There is also an annual maximum amount that your provider will pay in medical bills each year. If your pet’s bills exceed that max for the year, you will have to pay all remaining expenses until the next calendar year begins.
You should note that there is a waiting period before your insurance kicks in. This mandatory period is to prevent people from getting insurance for a pet that is already sick.
All insurance companies will require that your pet gets a check-up before your illness coverage begins. This way they know about any conditions your pet might have.
The waiting period for accidents is much shorter, usually a couple of days.
Benefits of Having Pet Insurance
There are many reasons why having pet insurance is a good idea. For one thing, you will have peace of mind that your dog’s wellness is taken care of. You won’t have to agonize over whether or not you should go through with a major procedure.
Monthly premiums will add up to a few hundred dollars each year. Yet, that is a small amount compared to the cost of paying for major medical treatments.
Many pet owners could not afford to pay for a large medical expense and are forced to put their pet down. This is a tragic and heartbreaking reality for many pet owners. Especially when the pets are still in their prime.
Keep in mind that without insurance, illness and injury treatments can post thousands of dollars per treatment.
Let’s say that your cat or dog gets cancer. Radiation can cost up to $6,000 or more. Tumor removal surgery is another $3000-$6000.
That’s an astronomical amount of money for a pet owner to come up with in a six-month period. Yet, most people can afford to put $20-$80 a month towards insurance.
Does Pet Insurance Cover Shots?
One of the most common questions people have is does pet insurance cover shots?
Pet insurance does not generally cover preventative healthcare. Annual shots including rabies vaccinations, flea control, heartworm medication, grooming and nail trims are not covered usually.
Parasite control including medication to treat parasites is not covered.
Other items that are not included in pet insurance coverage include examination fees at the vet. Also, pre-existing conditions the pet has are not covered. Hereditary conditions are also not generally covered.
Dental care such as cleaning and teeth removal is also not covered by most plans. Yet some do cover dental, so be sure to read the policy options carefully.
The exception of dental care is if your pet has a mouth injury due to an accident. In this case, your policy will cover extractions and reconstruction of damaged teeth.
Understanding pet coverage means you should know that neutering and spaying is not covered.
Hip dysplasia is a common ailment of pets. Generally, this is not covered by most pet insurance companies. Also, behavioral issues like aggression, barking, and obedience training are not covered.
Choose Your Pet Insurance Carefully
Thanks for reading! Now you know the answer to questions like ‘does pet insurance cover shots?’.
There are so many pet insurance companies out there for you to choose from.
You should explore your options to find a pet insurance policy that is best for your budget and for your pet.
Always read the fine print to be sure that you understand the terms and conditions.
Come back again soon for more great pet-related content for you to read.
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