You return home and discover chaos. Torn pillows, feathers, ripped shoes in the middle of the room, and, in the center of the crime scene - your pet with your shirt still in his mouth. What dog owner hasn't gone…
Sure Fido can sit, stay and come, but is that really enough for your NYC pup? It all really depends on what type of foundation you would like to have to govern your relationship with your dog. Just as each…
Dear Dog Bathers, Today was a momentous Occasion between New York Dog Nanny and Shiba Inus all around New York City. As many of you know you don't have to have a breed that dislikes water for your pup to…
What we say to our dogs is important. How we say it is crucial. Different tones of voice are used to distinguish between commands, corrections, and praise. Commands are given in a firm, strong tone of voice. No chanting please.…
Have you ever wanted to ship your dog off for a “boot camp” training situation, where someone does all of the work for you and returns a perfectly mannered dog? It’s a tempting scenario, particularly if you’re at the end…
7 Amazing Unknown Facts About Dogs Puppies learn best through play—it increases their emotional and neurological development, improves social skills, and helps them develop impulse control! If you only train your dog while he’s in a calm mood he won’t…
Do dogs communicate with one another like people do? Well, we know that canines can't "speak" in the same way that humans do, but they do actually send one another cues and communicate in their own doggie language of picture…
Does your dog know how to approach another dog kindly and properly? Or does he/she hop on the other dog as if it's a dog plush toy to be ripped to shreds? Is your four legged friend a little anti-social…
Chances are good that the first night your puppy is in his new home, both of you will get little sleep. You can hardly blame your puppy for having difficulty sleeping. Dogs are creatures of habit and routine. Your puppy…