Owning a pet is so much more than just having a play buddy that is ecstatic to see you each day. It’s taking care of a little creature that entirely depends on you. With that in mind, every responsible pet owner strives to learn as much as possible about how to properly raise his or her pet to ensure a long and happy life. Over the years, the amount of available information related to this topic has soared, but not everything is actually true. Also, there are so many ridiculous myths going around that pet owners should ignore. The following text will expand on the biggest pet care myths you shouldn’t believe.
Pets can eat none of the human food
Is your fluffy buddy looking at you desperately during each meal, expecting in vain to get some of the fragrant human lunch? There’s a very persistent myth that claims all human food is toxic for pets. Although some of the stuff we eat can actually be fatal for our animals, there is food that is healthy for them. Every animal species has its own set of food items that are extremely bad for them, but here are those that are bad for most types of pets:
- Chocolate
- Garlic and onions
- Alcohol
- Grapes
- Spicy food
Here are some good options for your pet:
- Healthy food for dogs: cooked meat such as pork, chicken, turkey, fish, cooked eggs, bread, corn, honey (in moderation), apples (but not their seed and core), cucumbers, and mango.
- You can allow your cat to munch on the following: cooked chicken, beef and turkey, fish, cantaloupe, eggs, bananas, apples (without the skin, sees, or core), watermelon, and strawberries.
- The following food is safe for your parrot: most veggies and fruit such as asparagus, broccoli, carrots, apples, grapes (as opposed to the furry pets, these are not toxic for parrots), and a bit of lean meat such as turkey chicken and duck.
To be on the safe side, check the specifics about the diet of your pet species so you can treat it from time to time with something other than generic pet food.
A dry nose means your dog isn’t feeling well
The dog’s nose, indeed, needs to be wet all the time to regulate the animal’s temperature. But when your dog’s nose is dry, that doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with it. There are multiple reasons why your furry friend’s nose isn’t being its optimal wet self. The natural elements can be one of the culprits to blame. Too much nosing around in strong sunlight or bad winds can render your doggy’s nose dry and chapped. The same goes with all other extreme weather conditions, of course. Another reason for your dog’s dry nose can be the fact that they have done too much exercise, which can lead to dehydration. Finally, your dog may simply be getting older. Some dogs develop a dry snout with age. The important thing to do in this situation is to assess the overall behavior of your fluffy friend. If it seems a bit lethargic and hasn’t been eating or drinking water as it usually does, a dry snout may be a symptom of something more serious. In that case, seeing a vet is your best option.
Cat’s purring is a sure sign that it is content
Your big softie is lying on its back enjoying your cuddly strokes and purring all the time like some cute, tiny ventilator? Surely, this type of purring can only mean your cat is happy. But it is good to know that not all purring is happy purring. Combined with a not-so-happy sounding mew, your cat might be trying to tell you something, such as, “I’m hungry, human. Please, feed me.” Also, some studies have found that purring can stimulate muscles and bones because it produces low-frequency vibrations all over the body. For that reason, cats purr when they are hurt, it helps them heal faster.
Finally, purring can be a sign of fear, anxiety, and discontent in general. These feelings are especially common in cats when they and their owners relocate to a new place. According to the moving experts from moversnotshakers.com as well as many animal-studying scientists, cats hate when they move. It’ll take them some time to adjust to the new place. Therefore, next time you hear your cat purring for no cuddly reason, make sure it’s nothing to worry about.
One of the biggest pet care myths you shouldn’t believe is that dogs eat grass when their tummy is upset
Dogs and cats sometimes decide to nibble on the grass, even though you feed them high-quality pet food. It has long been believed that grass serves pets to resolve issues with their upset stomachs by invoking vomiting. Some people even believe there are nutrients in the grass your dog or cat may find necessary. As this topic is highly relevant to the pet’s health, a lot of research has been conducted on pet grass eating. According to the results, only a small percentage of pets eat grass when their tummy is upset. So why do they eat it, then? The reason lies in their genes. The dog and cat ancestors ate grass to get rid of the parasites. As is the case with many other behavioral traits, this is something they do because their subconscious tells them to. However, you should not let your pet eat grass. That is not the grass the dog and cat forefathers used to eat. It is full of chemicals that can be very toxic to your pet, so it’s best that you eradicate this particulate eating habit.
Small hamsters are OK with small hamster wheels
Hamsters may be pocket-size pets, but they shouldn’t live in a pocket-size environment. These tiny furballs are extremely energetic, and a bigger cage is a better fit for their lifestyle. As for the hamster wheels, the size matters. Small hamster wheels make them arch their spines while running in a way that later causes serious spine injuries. Your little guy really doesn’t deserve such hardships only so its cage would occupy an inch or two less space. Therefore, get a larger wheel and, consequently, a larger cage to live in.
Tail wagging means your dog is happy and excited
In most cases, it does. But sometimes, your faithful companion is nervous or anxious. When you have visitors, it is extremely important to correctly assess the exact cause of tail wagging. You don’t want your dog to be unpleasant to your guests, do you? Observe your dog’s overall body language to determine the meaning of the tail’s quick movements from side to side. Is it relaxed or tense and ready to strike? What about its ears—are they up or down? What do you see in his eyes? It might be difficult for someone else to correctly assess the situation, but you, as an owner, should be able to guess what your dog intends to do. To be on the safe side, stand next to your dog when you introduce it to new people, and don’t allow it too close until the situation is clear.
Dogs and cats can’t stand each other – one of the pet care myths you shouldn’t believe
How can anyone believe dogs and cats are not mortal enemies when you were told otherwise all your childhood? Well, they aren’t. They can be good friends and cuddle buddies. Their characters do differ, though, which can sometimes pose a problem in their relationship. Dogs tend to be curious and generally more mobile and playful than cats. That can irritate a kitty who wants to relax for the afternoon. Cats, on the other hand, can suddenly scratch a play buddy at any given moment, which can spike a big argument between the two. To foster a good relationship between your doggy and kitty, you can do a few things as an owner. Firstly, make sure you introduce them to each other cautiously. Constant monitoring of their relationship in those first months is a must. If it seems the play is turning into a fight, redirect them away from each other and onto some other activities. Eventually, they will find a way to coexist and be good friends; just give them time.
So, take all the info about the pets with caution, paw-lease!
As you can see, some of the information you are served about your animal friend belongs to the category of pet care myths you shouldn’t believe. The best way to properly care for your pet is to observe its behavior as a whole and always consult the professionals. Your pet is a member of your family, and you should treat it as such, especially when it comes to caring for its health. With proper care, your pet will have a long and happy life to share with you.
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